Table of Contents
# heapdump
online tutorialopen in new window
dump java heap in hprof binary format, like jmap
# Usage
# Dump to file
[arthas@58205]$ heapdump arthas-output/dump.hprof
Dumping heap to arthas-output/dump.hprof ...
Heap dump file created
The generated file is located in the arthas-output directory and can be downloaded through the browser at http://localhost:8563/arthas-output/
# Dump only live objects
[arthas@58205]$ heapdump --live /tmp/dump.hprof
Dumping heap to /tmp/dump.hprof ...
Heap dump file created
# Dump to tmp file
[arthas@58205]$ heapdump
Dumping heap to /var/folders/my/wy7c9w9j5732xbkcyt1mb4g40000gp/T/heapdump2019-09-03-16-385121018449645518991.hprof...
Heap dump file created